This day and age there are many ways to track your food intake and count caloric intake. Whether you are using apps such as MyFitnessPal, Bitesnap or industry staples like Weight Watchers, each of them can be a big tool in your arsenal to conquer the fitness goals you have set out. Our trainers encourage their clients to use tools like this because it helps with accountability and learning what is in your food. If your goal is to lose weight, there needs to be a negative energy balance between calories in (food intake) versus calories out (exercise etc). If your goal is to build muscle and strength then you need to be sure you are getting the right amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in your daily meals to reap the maximum potential from your workouts. Tracking your food intake will help you make healthier decisions, eat the correct portion sizes and be consistent every week.
Let us know what tools or ideas you use on a weekly basis to stay consistent with healthy eating habits.
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